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Cari Blog Ini

Cathy Freeman Foundation

Aboriginal Communities to Benefit from New Partnership between Google and

Empowering Indigenous Australians through Digital Literacy

A Collaboration for Digital Inclusion

Google and have joined forces to unveil a transformative program aimed at empowering Aboriginal communities in Australia with digital literacy skills. The initiative, set to launch in the remote Aboriginal community of Woorabinda, will provide access to technology and training to bridge the digital divide and foster greater opportunities.

The partnership recognizes the importance of digital literacy in today's world, where technology plays a crucial role in education, employment, and social connection. The program will equip community members with the skills to navigate the digital landscape, create online content, and harness the power of the internet to improve their lives.

Addressing Digital Inequality

The initiative is a testament to the growing awareness of the digital inequality faced by Indigenous Australians. Lack of access to technology and digital skills can limit opportunities, perpetuate social disadvantage, and hinder economic progress. This collaboration seeks to address these challenges by providing the necessary resources and support to empower Aboriginal communities and unlock their potential.

The program will involve a series of workshops, training sessions, and mentorship opportunities, tailored to the specific needs of the Woorabinda community. Participants will learn basic computer skills, internet navigation, social media literacy, and content creation. Google and will also provide ongoing technical support and resources to ensure the long-term sustainability of the program.


The partnership between Google and is a beacon of hope for Aboriginal communities in Australia. By empowering them with digital literacy skills, the program will unlock a world of opportunities, foster social inclusion, and empower individuals to shape their own futures. As the program expands to reach more communities, it will make a lasting impact on the lives of Indigenous Australians, bridging the digital divide and creating a more equitable and inclusive society.
